tjfontaine / node-dns

Replacement dns module in pure javascript for node.js
MIT License
585 stars 154 forks source link

ANN: Deprecating project! May the best fork win! #111

Open taoeffect opened 8 years ago

taoeffect commented 8 years ago

Per issue #96, since @tjfontaine hasn't responded, and since:

I'm declaring this project dead and inviting the community to get behind an actually-maintained fork.

I've updated the README with a link to this thread, and if the community can get itself to rally behind a replacement I will post a link to the new project in the README.


screen shot 2016-02-13 at 1 31 29 pm

jameshartig commented 8 years ago

I'll throw out that I'm willing to maintain this project (under my company Leven Labs) to the best of my ability. I'm maintaining just over 20 packages on npm ( of which some of them utilize dns and I'll be moving over to use node-dns.

To be honest though, I've just started using this module so if someone else with more direct experience steps up, they have my vote.

taoeffect commented 8 years ago

Ah, a fellow Gator, cool. :)

Thanks for commenting! I'll keep this issue open for at least one more week to give others a chance to respond.

taoeffect commented 8 years ago

@fastest963 OK, looks like you are the winner by default! Congratulations! :smile:

Have you forked this repo yet? I recommend renaming it so that there's no conflict in NPM. Please let me know what I should link the README to.

taoeffect commented 8 years ago

Seems @fastest963 dropped out, so the search for a maintainer continues!

roccomuso commented 8 years ago

any news?

julianxhokaxhiu commented 8 years ago

It seems that this guy did a fork 21 days ago and proactively changed everything to tell people that is now maintained by him:

Although I need to issue a bug report I'm having with dig -6 and bad packet but I don't know where to submit it, since the current maintainer do not longer provide support. Too bad :(

taoeffect commented 8 years ago

If @tutosfaciles48 is serious about maintaining this project please let me know.

coolaj86 commented 7 years ago

@tjfontaine 30 seconds of your time, PLEASE:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Transfer in the Danger Zone
  3. Move to organization Daplie as node-dns (that way we can have teams with owners)
npm owner add coolaj86 native-dns

I don't care which organization it's moved to or who becomes co-owner, we just need you to pick someone to transfer it to so that we have a way to move forward.

If you transfer to me and add me to npm my plan is to add people that are actively working on bugfixes so that they can contribute and to bump the major version for safety (since this has been stagnant stable for a very long time).

melroy89 commented 7 years ago

Good luck! I hope the project won't die eventually. I love your work. Kudo's to all of you!

vonbarnekowa commented 7 years ago

Any news?

AaronNGray commented 7 years ago

@fastest963 - any news ?

brodybits commented 7 years ago

@coolaj86 according to and you should be able to get co-ownership of the node-dns or native-dns package if you follow the procedure they described. In short (from

  1. Get the author email with npm owner ls
  2. Email the author, CC
  3. After a few weeks, if there's no resolution, we'll sort it out. Don't squat on package names. Publish code or move out of the way.
taoeffect commented 7 years ago

Although @coolaj86 could do what @brodybits suggested, he could also do as mentioned in the very first post in this issue: find someone willing to maintain the project. Then I will update the README to point to that project, which will have a new name.

taoeffect commented 7 years ago

It doesn't make sense to transfer the project to someone who is not already willing to maintain it (and has demonstrated this by adding code / merging pull requests / etc.). You'll just end up in the same place as we are now.

coolaj86 commented 7 years ago

@taoeffect agreed

OmgImAlexis commented 7 years ago

I've sent in an email to @tjfontaine and hopefully I get a reply soon, if not I'm just going to keep trying to get in contact with him until this is sorted as I'd like to use this on a project I'm working on but I'm hesitant while it's not being maintained by anyone. 😞

mcollina commented 7 years ago

@OmgImAlexis at this point you can contact NPM support and ask for the module name. There is a process for that, and it works well. They will try to contact him themselves.

OmgImAlexis commented 7 years ago

@mcollina that only helps with getting the npm module name sorted, still doesn't fix the issue of people forking from this repo. Even with a new repo established as the "correct" one people will still end up here and forks will still be made from this. It'd be best to have this moved to an org and have someone set as an admin so they can take the project to where it should be.

mcollina commented 7 years ago

@OmgImAlexis once the naming of npm is sorted, the field over there will get updated. As far as I know, @taoeffect has the commit bit here, so he can wipe this repo clean. People will reach from NPM to the new github repo easily.

taoeffect commented 7 years ago

Yeah, @mcollina is right, and at risk of sounding like a broken record: show us your fork that demonstrates you're serious about maintaining this project, and I'll update the README to point it in your direction.

mcollina commented 7 years ago

I think you can move things forward here: ask for the npm package, and then you can crown someone. At this point anyone it's better than nobody. Il giorno mer 5 apr 2017 alle 19:48 Greg Slepak ha scritto:

Yeah, @mcollina is right, and at risk of sounding like a broken record: show us your fork that demonstrates you're serious about maintaining this project, and I'll update the README to point it in your direction.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

taoeffect commented 7 years ago

At this point anyone it's better than nobody.

As a security person, I can tell you with certainty that is not true. :P

cyberbizness commented 7 years ago

WoZ commented 5 years ago

I may propose to use our module that was tested in production and highload environments. Also we have good unit and functional tests with 100% coverage, multi-records resolving and TTL support. Here it is:

FrancisTurner commented 3 years ago

I'm considering stepping up and maintaining this. Or at least looking at the existing pull requests and merging them into my fork. If they don't break anything then I'll probably add a couple of other things I want too (APL RRtype for one)

FrancisTurner commented 3 years ago

I have merged three pull requests into my fork. If there is demand I can merge others. Feel free to submit stuff to it.

Forked packages are now available on npm as

taoeffect commented 3 years ago

Thank you @FrancisTurner. I've linked to your comment in the README. 😄

FrancisTurner commented 3 years ago

Maybe add a link to the github repo too ?

taoeffect commented 3 years ago

Sure. Added.

EduardoRuizM commented 1 year ago

A new fork with DNSSEC and IANA parameters:

titanism commented 1 year ago

We released 🍊 Tangerine today, which is a userland package tangerine that solves DNS caching for Node.js. It's a ⚡ faster ⚡ 1:1 drop-in replacement for dns.promises.Resolver using DNS over HTTPS ("DoH") via undici with built-in retries, timeouts, smart server rotation, AbortControllers, and caching support for multiple backends via Keyv.

npm install tangerine
-import dns from 'dns';
+import Tangerine from 'tangerine';

- const resolver = new dns.promises.Resolver();
+const resolver = new Tangerine();

Documentation, API, options, source code, tests, benchmarks, and more available at

taoeffect commented 1 year ago

Congrats @titanism and thank you for letting us know! I've added a link to the README pointing to Tangerine 😄

titanism commented 1 year ago

Thank you @taoeffect 🙏 🙇 ❤️

taoeffect commented 1 year ago

@EduardoRuizM I've also added a comment to your fork as well - sorry for not noticing earlier!

EduardoRuizM commented 1 year ago

Thanks @taoeffect