tjhrulz / WebNowPlaying-BrowserExtension

The extension to go along with the WebNowPlaying plugin for Rainmeter
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WebNowPlaying Extension not connected to Rainmeter in Chrome #54

Closed Gamerbiomek2 closed 1 year ago

Gamerbiomek2 commented 4 years ago

FireFox version seems to work, but Chrome version now says "not connected to Rainmeter". WebNowPalying Extension not connected to Rainmeter

I have Rainmeter allowed through my firewall. Rainmeter Allowed through firewall

patrickpats commented 4 years ago

I also have this issue

Jin-hjs commented 4 years ago

Also having this issue after reboot

patrickpats commented 4 years ago

For me I had to turn off my adblock. I then whitelisted the sites I use for music like YouTube, YouTube Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, etc.... in order to get it to work properly. Would be nice for a more direct solution. I heard adding the extension to adblocks web socket filter makes it work but idk how to do that. I'm using chrome btw

Gamerbiomek2 commented 4 years ago

Seems like Adblock Plus blocks the extension for some reason. I will leave this open until @tjhrulz or someone else can fix it.

patrickpats commented 4 years ago

The normal Adblock also blocks the extension as well. Really unfortunate

TF390 commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same issue but in Firefox. Turning off Adblock in Firefox hasn't resolved my issue so far.

patrickpats commented 4 years ago

With firefox you have to do change "network.websocket.allowInsecureFromHTTPS" in the about:config page in Firefox to true.

I don't use Firefox so I don't know how well this works

Gamerbiomek2 commented 4 years ago

Just found out that uBlock Origin also blocks the extension but not the regular Adblock, hmm?

patrickpats commented 4 years ago

For me regular Adblock blocks the extension

tjhrulz commented 4 years ago

@Gamerbiomek2 I'll be back from vacation next week and I will look into this

tjhrulz commented 3 years ago

So I run uBlock origin normally with chrome and have no issues with this. Are you guys running beta versions of chrome by chance or have extra rules/filter sets?

bxff commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue but on Firefox, just like @TF390, I also have many extensions such as HTTPS Encryption, uBlock Origin but nothing worked.

BlackcatCXII commented 3 years ago

i have the same issue on brave here's a list of what my add blocker is blocking if it help New Text Document.txt

jcs021102 commented 3 years ago

I am also getting a similar issue, on brave. The browser is identical to chrome as far as im aware with the exception of a built in adblocker, but nothing seems to be listed about the extension, This issue popped up quite recently too as before everything was working fine.

mich4s74 commented 3 years ago

Yes brave´s built-in adblock , blocks the tracking of the plugin.

oarasaiah commented 3 years ago

Perhaps whitelisting the extension on ublock would allow this to work, but I'm not sure on how to do that.

turannul commented 2 years ago

Same issue Edge / Windows 11

keifufu commented 1 year ago

If people still run into this issue, please move discussion to this repository.