tjhrulz / WebNowPlaying-BrowserExtension

The extension to go along with the WebNowPlaying plugin for Rainmeter
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Error updating cover for Youtube Music #59

Closed AbleOne closed 3 years ago

AbleOne commented 3 years ago


AbleOne commented 3 years ago

@tjhrulz, wow, after pulling master I've discovered that this has been fixed already... It is fixed here in this repo, but in the Chrome Web Store ↗ there is version with not correct code for getting YTMusic cover:

this line 68 still has
var videoID = document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-title")[0].children[1].children[0].href;
instead of
var videoID = document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-title")[0].children[0].children[0].href;

I wanted to make PR with that fix, but if fix already exists, we only need to wait when it will be uploaded to Chrome Web Store with new version (hopefully) 👌👍👍😉

tjhrulz commented 3 years ago

Hmmm odd I thought that My last round of fixes I made I pushed out to live, guess I must not have. I plan on this week, probably tomorrow, going through and readressing compatibility with all platforms once I'm done with that I will make sure that the chrome Web store and Firefox store are both version matching the current github repo

AbleOne commented 3 years ago

@tjhrulz, great, mate!! 💪🤟🎉🎉
Yayyyyy!! Looking forward for this!

tjhrulz commented 3 years ago

Just figured I would update you I have pretty much everything done at this point just got to work a little more on tidal support and brush up a few bugs with Deezer and we will be good to go.

tjhrulz commented 3 years ago

Fixed as of

Pushing out to both webstores here, should seem them on your computer in a few hours