tjhrulz / WebNowPlaying-BrowserExtension

The extension to go along with the WebNowPlaying plugin for Rainmeter
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SoundCloud album art not pulling #67

Closed TheBSGamer closed 3 years ago

TheBSGamer commented 3 years ago

SoundCloud album art is no longer working for me. I can play, pause, skip, seek, and get the visualizer, but the album art is no longer there. Tested YouTube and it pulls album art as does other supported sites. I did get an update to SoundCloud and it moved my now playing bar to the top, so maybe the renamed/remapped some elements or something?

Seems to be an issue with the extension as far as I can tell. If logs additional troubleshooting is needed, I can gladly provide or attempt if necessary.

thehearthz commented 3 years ago

same (;´д`)

tjhrulz commented 3 years ago

This has already been fixed, I just need to wait for both appstores to let me deploy it