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scale-based rpc library #144

Open tjjfvi opened 1 year ago

tjjfvi commented 1 year ago

Name TBD – srpc? scalar?

// api.ts

import { $func } from "srpc"

export const $api = $.object(
  $.field("a", $func($.tuple(), $.str)),
  $.field("b", $func($.tuple(), $.str)),
  $.field("c", $func($.tuple($.str, $.i8), $.field("some", $.str)))
// server.ts

import { $api } from "./api.ts"
import { serve } from "srpc"

const api: $.Native<typeof $api> = {
  a: async () => "a",
  b: async () => Math.random() ? "heads" : "tails",
  c: async (foo, bar) => ({ some: `${foo.toUpperCase()}-${bar.toFixed(2)}` })

serve($api, api)
// client.ts

import { $api } from "./api.ts"
import { connect } from "srpc"

const api = await connect($api, "ws://...")

console.log(await api.c("Hello", 46)) // HELLO-46.00
tjjfvi commented 1 year ago

@vjjft suggests scald

harrysolovay commented 1 year ago
import { $func } from "x"

export const $api = $.field(
      $func($.tuple(), $.str)
tjjfvi commented 1 year ago

I'd personally prefer fn instead of func, but this isn't a strong opinion.


is an object definition desirable? What other schemes might we consider? In an offline convo, you mentioned deeply-nested fns.

Yes, $fn would be general such that you could nest fields like that, return functions from functions, etc.

What do we want as a convention for scale lib naming? Do we want to simply prefix the subject codec (in this case a $func) with scale- / aka. scale-func?

scale-foo as a general convention seems reasonable, but given that this library isn't simply a collection of codecs (but rather an api building off of scale), I think a name not following this convention makes sense. I'm fond of scald, personally.

what connection types should be supported out-of-the-box?

Web sockets and workers, at minimum. Ideally we should also make it as easy as possible to use with custom connections.

harrysolovay commented 1 year ago

I'm fond of scald, personally.

When I first read the suggestion of scald, it sounded a bit aggressive (no one wants to be scalded). But I suppose JS tools have a sorted past of heat-related names #blazingly. Another contender: scall.


Scall is defined as "a scurf or scabby disorder," so that's a no.

tjjfvi commented 1 year ago
An initial implementation, extracted from paritytech/capi#823 ```ts import * as $ from "../deps/scale.ts" import { Deferred, deferred } from "../deps/std/async.ts" const $id = $.compact($.u32) type Message = $.Native const $message = $.taggedUnion("type", [ $.variant( "call", $.field("callId", $id), $.field("fn", $id), $.field("args", $.uint8Array), ), $.variant( "resolve", $.field("callId", $id), $.field("value", $.uint8Array), ), $.variant( "reject", $.field("callId", $id), $.field("error", $.str), ), ]) type ResolutionMessage = Extract export interface Link { send(data: Uint8Array): void recv(cb: (data: Uint8Array) => void, signal: AbortSignal): void } class Scald { constructor(readonly connection: Link, readonly signal: AbortSignal) { this.connection.recv((data) => { const message = $message.decode(data) this.recv(message) }, this.signal) } nextHeldId = 0 held = new Map Promise>() nextCallId = 0 pending = new Map>() async recv(message: Message) { const { callId } = message if (message.type !== "call") { this.pending.get(callId)?.resolve(message) return } const held = this.held.get(message.fn) if (!held) { return this.send({ type: "reject", callId, error: "invalid callId" }) } try { const value = await held(message.args) this.send({ type: "resolve", callId, value }) } catch (e) { return this.send({ type: "reject", callId, error: Deno.inspect(e) }) } } send(message: Message): void { this.connection.send($message.encode(message)) } expose(value: (data: Uint8Array) => Promise) { const id = this.nextHeldId++ this.held.set(id, value) return id } async call(fn: number, args: Uint8Array) { const callId = ++this.nextCallId const pending = deferred() this.pending.set(callId, pending) this.send({ type: "call", callId, fn, args }) const result = await pending if (result.type === "resolve") return result.value throw new ScaldError(result.error) } async encode($value: $.Codec, value: T) { const buf = new $.EncodeBuffer($value._staticSize) buf.context.get(ScaldContext).scald = this $value._encode(buf, value) return buf.finishAsync() } decode($value: $.Codec, data: Uint8Array): T { const buf = new $.DecodeBuffer(data) buf.context.get(ScaldContext).scald = this return $value._decode(buf) } } export class ScaldError extends Error { override name = "ScaldError" } class ScaldContext { scald?: Scald } export function $fn( $args: $.Codec, $return: $.Codec, ): $.Codec<(...args: A) => Promise> { return $.createCodec({ _metadata: $.metadata("$fn", $fn, $args, $return), _staticSize: $id._staticSize, _encode(buffer, fn) { const scald = buffer.context.get(ScaldContext).scald if (!scald) { throw new $.ScaleEncodeError(this, fn, "$fn can only be used in a scald context") } const id = scald.expose(async (data) => { const args = scald.decode($args, data) const result = await fn(...args) return scald.encode($return, result) }) $id._encode(buffer, id) }, _decode(buffer) { const scald = buffer.context.get(ScaldContext).scald if (!scald) { throw new $.ScaleDecodeError(this, buffer, "$fn can only be used in a scald context") } const id = $id._decode(buffer) return async (...args: A) => { const data = await, await scald.encode($args, args)) const result = scald.decode($return, data) return result } }, _assert(assert) { assert.typeof(this, "function") }, }) } export class WsLink implements Link { ready = deferred() constructor(readonly ws: WebSocket, signal: AbortSignal) { ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer""open", () => { this.ready.resolve() }) signal.addEventListener("abort", () => { }) } async send(data: Uint8Array) { await this.ready } recv(cb: (data: Uint8Array) => void, signal: AbortSignal): void {"message", (msg) => { if (!( instanceof ArrayBuffer)) return cb(new Uint8Array( }, { signal }) } } export function serveScald( $api: $.Codec, api: T, connection: Link, signal: AbortSignal, ) { const scald = new Scald(connection, signal) scald.expose(() => scald.encode($api, api)) } export async function connectScald( $api: $.Codec, connection: Link, signal: AbortSignal, ): Promise { const scald = new Scald(connection, signal) const data = await, new Uint8Array()) return scald.decode($api, data) } ```