tjke / C121

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Milestone 4 feedback #4

Open kandarpksk opened 7 years ago

christywong commented 7 years ago

Team 7 - ACME


I read your proposal and I was confused how augmented reality ties into the app. Also, what would the quest feature be like? Does the user have to go find something specific or going to a specific place? It wasn't clear to me what it was for since I thought the items received from places were random. Another thing I was sort of confused by was the grass. Does it just indicate general large areas of unexplored places (that's what I got from looking at the first prototype)? But then the second prototype sort of looks like the grass patches were individual steps, so as the user walks around, each patch would disappear/change colors to indicate movement. I wasn't really sure which one it was.


Most of the main features of the app I couldn’t guess from how the interface is designed. I had to read the proposal. There should be some sort of design that signifies to the user what they should be able to do. The navigation in this app is not obvious, and so I’m not sure how one would move between the avatar and the avatar customization screen. Also, what if the user wants to cancel their current customization or what if the user wants to save their customization? There’s no part of the design that indicates I can do that. I like the idea of customizing an avatar. I’m not sure where the augmented reality part plays in though. Also does the user start out with a set of items and then collect more as they go? What would be the motivation to go out and get those items? Will there be rarer/special items? As for the quests feature suggested by the first paper prototype, I would like some more details about how this would work. What kinds of quests are available? I also think it’s a good idea to think about how to limit users so that they don’t trespass or go to unpermitted locations (just like pokemon GO). I think there’s potential for this app to be really fun, though.


I like the usability and simplicity of this general design. everything is easily accessible. However, a couple issues I noticed:

johnpallag commented 7 years ago

Team MashedPotatoRaccoons


I'm a little confused as to how I use the items I find. Are other people able to see me around or is this single player with just a share feature? I'm confused on how quests will play into this game.


I am a little confused on what the overall goal of this game is. The point is obviously to walk around but I feel like there needs to be more of an incentive than simply collecting items to put on your ferret. Is there a way you could make it into more of a game? Maybe clues as to where to find good items so more of a scavenger hunt? Or a way to trade items and compete against friends using the app for amount walked and number of places you've been to?


I am confused about the goal of the game. This is really similar to a lot of RPG game without fighting or level up feature. Is this game just collecting items and walking around as motivation? I mean, if I keep getting items in the game but cannot compete with people or cannot actually use those items, I would feel like I still have "motivation" to walk around and I will give up the game quickly... cuz essentially I am collecting items without opportunities to use them.