tjke / C121

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Milestone 7 feedback #6

Open tjke opened 7 years ago

tiffallen commented 7 years ago

Our Team Name: A6 - Strawberry Jam Feedback for team A1 Github: tjke/c121

Jimmy: Very good idea, i like that you are able to see what places on the map you have explored an I like that you can also see the what map to see what places you visit more. A future feature I would like to see is to have the zoom of the map be static and close to the current location of the user that way you can more accurately see what places have been cleared around you. It would also be nice to be able to see kind of like a list of the maps of the different cities you have explored in case someone want to look at previous places they visited. One more thing is that the size of the squares that cover up the map and get cleared once they are visited could be a bit smaller, because one can clear the whole square of the map while only visiting one part of it which could make it a bit inaccurate when you go back to see what places you have explored.

Jason: I like how the app allows to explore new areas and unlock new items. One question I have is how do you associate items with areas? (i.e. are items types based off terrain, geographic region, etc...? Or are items uniquely associated with specific locations? - If this is the case, how do you plan to populate your database of items?) If you decide to associate items with terrain or geographic region, I think this would be a cool addition to your core map/geo functionality, and it would also reduce the work of manually adding item-location associations. Another interesting feature you could add is sort of a heat-map layer that shows which regions are visited more or less often by other players.

Tiffany: I like how you used a heat map to show the most popular areas and how you are using a leaf layer to show previously unexplored areas (reminds me of pokemon). Since there are “items” to collect, would the dispersion of the objects be influenced by the more popular areas? Like, would the more popular areas have more common items whereas less-popular areas have cooler items (to promote exploring beyond). I like the avatar customization, it seems like more of a game and will get users initially interested. But for people, such as students, to use the app, how would you keep them interested after they have made an avatar? Since they stay relatively in the same area (campus) what would motivate them to go to the unexplored areas. Is there an incentive. I like how you have started developing the other areas of the site such as customization and the user login page, it helped me visualize how your app functions.

Stephanie: I like the leaf texture on your doc more, I think that would be a good component to have in the future because its more welcoming and game like. I also like the new ferret design as well for the same reasons, as well as looking more clean. Going with the ferret theme I think the leaf texture vs the heat map is more cohesive, as it gives the world more of a nature feel. Moving forward I think its important to think of what motivates people to come back and use the app. Maybe more motivation to explore their area through rewards or fun games would be a good incentive. I like the idea of the sharing your ferret with others so maybe that could integrate in the incentive to explore, earning more coins to buy clothes and items for your ferret, to be able to show it off. A cool feature to add to the map would be a map option to be able to see other ferrets in the area also exploring the area, but only going into this view when you wanted. Also maybe your ferret could grow bigger in the MMO area, so you could see who has a higher “level” in the game.

christywong commented 7 years ago

Team A7 - ACME


I think the app is making good progress! I would like to see the navigation refined a bit more. Maybe have a button that shows and hides the navigation so that it doesn’t block the map? Also, since you are going to be working with things covering the map while the user still has to navigate, perhaps experiment with styling the map to be higher contrasted. Looking forward to seeing this app finished!


From what I can see, there's a lot that's been implemented already and it looks nice! To complete your core map functionality, I think you just need the items for users to find when walking around. I was wondering though, if users only go around the same areas on a daily basis (ie. on campus), is anything else motivating them to keep using the app once they find all the items on campus (I'm assuming once they walk through an area, the area no longer shows items?).


I think this is a great start! For completing core functionality, I would love to see some sort of social functionality to encourage friends to play together. Since users create their own profiles with customized ferrets, maybe have specific landmarks on the map serve as "homes" or "hangouts" where ferrets can see other ferrets that have been there and maybe get specific items for visiting or trade items with each other.