Indicator Table Description: "Percentage of total final energy consumption generated from “renewable sources” (RS, collected from World Bank; includes hydroelectric, geothermal, solar, tidal, wind, and biofuels) minus half the percentage of total final energy consumption generated from biofuel sources (BIO, collected from IEA) to penalize countries for unsustainable overreliance on biofuels.
AE = RE – 0.5 *BIO.
Indicator Table Description: "Percentage of total final energy consumption generated from “renewable sources” (RS, collected from World Bank; includes hydroelectric, geothermal, solar, tidal, wind, and biofuels) minus half the percentage of total final energy consumption generated from biofuel sources (BIO, collected from IEA) to penalize countries for unsustainable overreliance on biofuels. AE = RE – 0.5 *BIO.