tjohnman / Obsession

A modern Hotline client written in Qt featuring Shift-JIS support and other stuff.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Improve the icons browser #26

Open iRedd opened 10 years ago

iRedd commented 10 years ago

Implementing icons, will sometimes lead to them being lost in other icons, even if they all follow one anothers numbers. (I make icons for myself, and they use numbers 1001-1020 so far, and they will get lost with other icons)

tjohnman commented 10 years ago

Thanks for all the issues iRedd. I'll be looking to fix some of them right away.

I don't quite understand the problem here. What do you mean they get "lost with other icons"? They are replaced? Or difficult to find?

iRedd commented 10 years ago

They are hard to find, the icons are 1001-1020, but will get lost with some in the 5000s

tjohnman commented 10 years ago

Will need to improve the icon browser then. Thanks.

iRedd commented 10 years ago

iRedd commented 10 years ago

Just so you'd be able to see.

tjohnman commented 10 years ago

Yes, that "Icon Viewer" is definitely a placeholder. I need to build something a bit more functional.