tjohnman / Obsession

A modern Hotline client written in Qt featuring Shift-JIS support and other stuff.
GNU General Public License v3.0
10 stars 1 forks source link

Users #30

Closed iRedd closed 10 years ago

iRedd commented 10 years ago

Client will sometimes show blank spaces, but can be highlighted, clicked on, but will crash the client.

tjohnman commented 10 years ago

Could you please provide steps to reproduce this?

iRedd commented 10 years ago

Not sure, I noticed when I was in a chat, and when I highlighted them then tried to pull info, crashed my client. Opon reconnect they were gone.

tjohnman commented 10 years ago

OK, I'm going to mark it as a duplicate of #15. If it happens again and turns out to be something else we can open this again.