Open tjperr opened 3 years ago
I'm wondering if this could be read as some sort of guitar chords?
Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix won some awards and also evokes the name of Mozart, but I'm not sure they'd refer to Mozart as a 'celebrity' and I don't see how R-N fits.
Reality Killed the Video Star is a 2009 album by Robbie Williams. The name evokes Video Killed the Radio Star, which maybe evokes Trevor Horn. If the R-N refers to the final letters in the name, then Trevor Horn would fit. However, I'm not sure if that album won any awards and I don't know what the Christmas connection would be.
The Blueprint III maybe evokes the name of Jay-Z, aka Shawn Carter, for whom R-N could be a pattern if R is the final letter of the last name and N is the final letter of the first name. I don't know if this won any awards as an album though.
Ignoring the colour of the shaded circles, the pattern of filled / blank circles repeats exactly twice left to right.
Which award-winning 2009 album is cryptically encoded below?
(Hint: (6,5,3,4,9,9,5) and (7,3,5).)
Given the title of the album, which celebrity name is instantly evoked by the language of #5 (R-N), and how is this person vicariously connected with Christmas 2020?