tjperr / rss-quiz-2020

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Puzzle 9: VOTH: A SUITABLE GIFT [7 points] #9

Open tjperr opened 3 years ago

tjperr commented 3 years ago

(Note: The final answer to the puzzle is the hyphenated word obtained in the lower set of boxes.)

Why is the theme of this puzzle particularly appropriate this Christmas – and which element of the puzzle has an unexpected connection to the closing words of line 6 in Puzzle 1?

tjperr commented 3 years ago

Map looks like East Timor

the region is Ainaro

tjperr commented 3 years ago

Probably significant that the main languages are PORtugese and TETum

mjtriggs commented 3 years ago

The flag on the left looks similar to St Lucia, or at least a modified design.

Edit: Nevermind, it's Ainaro reversed.

tjperr commented 3 years ago

Worth saying the whole image could be reversed (the map and flag definitely are)

johnmatthewswift commented 3 years ago

Line 6 from question 1 is: T is for the toys beneath the tree so tall,

mjtriggs commented 3 years ago

I guess the trees relate to this:

The word Ainaro is a Portuguese approximation of the local Tetum and Mambai language word Ainaru, which means "tall tree".[3]