The tailwind class autocomplete usually provides a color preview, aiding devex. As we are using css variables that dynamically change, tailwind is unable to provide that color preview. By providing a comment with the hexcode color in tailwind.config, we are able to reintroduce the color preview (albeit only for dark theme).
Also adds accent-950 into tailwind.config which was previously left off.
What change does this PR introduce?
Provides color previews for tailwind class autocomplete
After: (can only be configured to show the color palette in one theme (dark/light)
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The tailwind class autocomplete usually provides a color preview, aiding devex. As we are using css variables that dynamically change, tailwind is unable to provide that color preview. By providing a comment with the hexcode color in tailwind.config, we are able to reintroduce the color preview (albeit only for dark theme).
Also adds accent-950 into tailwind.config which was previously left off.
What change does this PR introduce?
Provides color previews for tailwind class autocomplete
After: (can only be configured to show the color palette in one theme (dark/light)
Please select the relevant option(s).
What is the proposed approach?
Please give a short overview/explanation on the approach taken to resolve the issue(s).