tjunier / newick_utils

shell tools for processing phylogenetic trees
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nw_prune exits too early, gives incomplete output #26

Open josephwb opened 3 years ago

josephwb commented 3 years ago

In trying to prune terminals, a weird result arises: 1) 10 terminals specified to be removed are not, and 2) a root edge length is in the final tree.

Using nw_prune compiled from the master branch. Recreate error:

nw_prune in.tre -f to_drop.txt > nw_out.tre

The original tree has 59 terminals, and 39 are specified to be pruned; so, 20 terminals should remain. However, the tree produced has 30 terminals.

Input tree, file with taxa to be pruned, actual output, expected output, and a list of terminals that we erroneously not removed are attached.

in.tre.txt list.txt nw_out.tre.txt expected.tre.txt unremoved.txt