tjuskyzhang / Scaled-YOLOv4-TensorRT

Got 100fps on TX2. Got 500fps on GeForce GTX 1660 Ti. If the project is useful to you, please Star it.
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Inference speed question #15

Open kiniavinash opened 3 years ago

kiniavinash commented 3 years ago

In the, it is mentioned that the inference speed on TX2 is around 10-11ms. Is this speed measured around the function doInference here:

Or around context.enqueue line here:

Thank you for sharing this project.

tjuskyzhang commented 3 years ago

In the, it is mentioned that the inference speed on TX2 is around 10-11ms. Is this speed measured around the function doInference here:

Or around context.enqueue line here:

Thank you for sharing this project.

The first one, #L496