tjweir / pocketchangeapp

Demo Application for the Lift Book.
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compile error in RestAPI.scala - No implicit view available #11

Open zachariahkral opened 12 years ago

zachariahkral commented 12 years ago

Lift version 2.4 M4 IDE: netbeans 7.0.1

Errors on line 164 and 170: No implicit view available

serveJx { case Get(List("api", "expense", Expense(expense,)), ) => Full(expense) }

// Just an example of autoconversion serveJx { case Get(List("api", "greet", name),_) => auto(Map("greeting" -> Map("who" -> name, "what" -> ("Hello at " + new java.util.Date)))) }

as per this thread I gave the first block a hint [Expense] and it solved the issue

serveJx[Expense] { case Get(List("api", "expense", Expense(expense,)), ) => Full(expense) }

the second (example of autoconversion), since I haven't gotten that far in the book, I just deleted. After those two changes, the whole project compiled.