tjwoon / csZBar

Cordova plugin to integrate with the ZBar barcode scanning library.
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New Formats Parameter #110

Open jmevangelist opened 7 years ago

jmevangelist commented 7 years ago

Added "formats" parameter. To limit the barcode formats/types the plugin will scan.


    text_title: "OPTIONAL Title Text - default = 'Scan QR Code'", // Android only
    text_instructions: "OPTIONAL Instruction Text - default = 'Please point your camera at the QR code.'", // Android only
    camera: "front" || "back" // defaults to "back"
    flash: "on" || "off" || "auto" // defaults to "auto". See Quirks
    drawSight: true || false, //defaults to true, create a red sight/line in the center of the scanner view.
    formats: ["QRCODE","CODE128"]

Only works on android.