tk04 / Marker

A Desktop App for Easily Viewing and Editing Markdown Files
MIT License
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Feature - Increase/Decrease heading size #26

Open davehope opened 3 months ago

davehope commented 3 months ago

From the context menu, an option to increase/decrease heading size would be helpful.

Additionally (if I can squeeze multiple things into one issue...)

tk04 commented 2 months ago

I suppose that adjusting the font sizes would be better done in a settings menu, which is not yet planned.

Adding additional options to the format context menu, like table, so it's more obvious what editing functionality is available.

Could you explain this point a bit more?

davehope commented 2 months ago

I was thinking about heading 1,2,2 etc. I'll often insert a heading at h2 and later want to make it h3, or even the other way round. I couldn't find an obvious way to change the level of a heading.

The second point, I thought options to toggle heading level, insert table etc would be more obvious to users if it was available in the UI somehow.

tk04 commented 2 months ago

You can adjust the heading levels by retyping the number signs(#) before the text and pressing space, and you create a table by typing "table" + Enter on a new line: heading_demo

I agree with your second point. I think adding more information in the README/app about certain commands would be helpful. Either that or a slash menu in the editor.

davehope commented 2 months ago

Amazing, thanks. Didn't spot that headings could be increased/decreased in that way.

How about a default file on creation of a new project, that contains a sort of how-to covering off points like this?