tk0miya / testing.postgresql

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Issue with inserting data #12

Open skrzepto opened 7 years ago

skrzepto commented 7 years ago

On a regulat pgsql db this works fine but when i tried to to use testing.postgresql it throws this error

Note: the data shown is fake and I am not leaking any personal info as this was created by the faker class

It seems that Accessing class variables its treating it as a table

class AccountStatus(IntEnum):
    Describes the status of a registered person.
    INACTIVE = 0
    ACTIVE = 1
    BOT = 2
    PENDING = 3
    LOCKED = 5
    DISABLED = 8
    def do_executemany(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None):
>       cursor.executemany(statement, parameters)
E       ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.ProgrammingError) missing FROM-clause entry for table "accountstatus"
E       LINE 2: ... NULL, NULL, NULL, '-', '-', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, AccountSta...
E                                                                    ^
E        [SQL: 'INSERT INTO people (id, username, password, fullname, ircnick, avatar, avatar_id, introduction, postal_address, country_code, locale, birthday, birthday_month, telephone, facsimile, affiliation, bio, timezone, gpg_fingerprint, ssh_key, email, recovery_email, bugzilla_email, email_token, unverified_email, security_question, security_answer, login_attempt, password_token, old_password, certificate_serial, status, status_timestamp, privacy, email_alias, blog_rss, latitude, longitude, fas_token, github_token, twitter_token, login_timestamp, creation_timestamp, update_timestamp) VALUES (%(id)s, %(username)s, %(password)s, %(fullname)s, %(ircnick)s, %(avatar)s, %(avatar_id)s, %(introduction)s, %(postal_address)s, %(country_code)s, %(locale)s, %(birthday)s, %(birthday_month)s, %(telephone)s, %(facsimile)s, %(affiliation)s, %(bio)s, %(timezone)s, %(gpg_fingerprint)s, %(ssh_key)s, %(email)s, %(recovery_email)s, %(bugzilla_email)s, %(email_token)s, %(unverified_email)s, %(security_question)s, %(security_answer)s, %(login_attempt)s, %(password_token)s, %(old_password)s, %(certificate_serial)s, %(status)s, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, %(privacy)s, %(email_alias)s, %(blog_rss)s, %(latitude)s, %(longitude)s, %(fas_token)s, %(github_token)s, %(twitter_token)s, %(login_timestamp)s, %(creation_timestamp)s, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)'] [parameters: ({'username': u'bob', 'bugzilla_email': None, 'certificate_serial': 1, 'locale': u'en_US', 'fas_token': None, 'telephone': None, 'affiliation': None, 'security_question': u'-', 'country_code': u'US', 'timezone': u'UTC', 'avatar_id': u'', 'id': 0, 'privacy': 1, 'introduction': 'hello', 'password_token': None, 'latitude': 43, 'birthday_month': None, 'creation_timestamp': datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 28, 14, 46, 44, tzinfo=<UTC>), 'email': u'', 'recovery_email': None, 'status': <AccountStatus.DISABLED: 8>, 'bio': None, 'login_timestamp': None, 'postal_address': u'783 Wiegand Lights Apt. 566\nNorth Marceloview, ND 52464-4628', 'unverified_email': None, 'ssh_key': None, 'birthday': None, 'email_alias': True, 'ircnick': None, 'password': '$6$GA8meLk2obnJCHBz$KWqipYAXkxpCvJ0SEpZcp8pyCrJ1qjAhzMIqNtpnTALmXilKlaxuggi2NRpViHen0isvl0BN3cuqdkvQ5jwkO.', 'twitter_token': None, 'gpg_fingerprint': None, 'login_attempt': None, 'github_token': None, 'email_token': None, 'longitude': 27, 'blog_rss': None, 'security_answer': u'-', 'facsimile': None, 'avatar': u'', 'fullname': u'bob', 'old_password': None}, {'username': u'jerry', 'bugzilla_email': None, 'certificate_serial': 1, 'locale': u'en_US', 'fas_token': None, 'telephone': None, 'affiliation': None, 'security_question': u'-', 'country_code': u'FR', 'timezone': u'UTC', 'avatar_id': u'', 'id': 1, 'privacy': 0, 'introduction': 'intro', 'password_token': None, 'latitude': None, 'birthday_month': None, 'creation_timestamp': datetime.datetime(2013, 8, 28, 14, 46, 44, tzinfo=<UTC>), 'email': u'', 'recovery_email': None, 'status': <AccountStatus.ACTIVE: 1>, 'bio': 'biography of a simple individual', 'login_timestamp': None, 'postal_address': None, 'unverified_email': None, 'ssh_key': None, 'birthday': None, 'email_alias': True, 'ircnick': None, 'password': '$6$GA8meLk2obnJCHBz$KWqipYAXkxpCvJ0SEpZcp8pyCrJ1qjAhzMIqNtpnTALmXilKlaxuggi2NRpViHen0isvl0BN3cuqdkvQ5jwkO.', 'twitter_token': None, 'gpg_fingerprint': None, 'login_attempt': None, 'github_token': None, 'email_token': None, 'longitude': None, 'blog_rss': None, 'security_answer': u'-', 'facsimile': None, 'avatar': u'', 'fullname': u'jerry', 'old_password': None}, {'username': u'mike', 'bugzilla_email': None, 'certificate_serial': 1, 'locale': u'en_US', 'fas_token': None, 'telephone': None, 'affiliation': None, 'security_question': u'-', 'country_code': u'CA', 'timezone': u'UTC', 'avatar_id': u'', 'id': 2, 'privacy': 1, 'introduction': None, 'password_token': None, 'latitude': Decimal('85.5335165'), 'birthday_month': None, 'creation_timestamp': datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 28, 14, 46, 44, tzinfo=<UTC>), 'email': u'', 'recovery_email': None, 'status': <AccountStatus.PENDING: 3>, 'bio': 'i <3 oss', 'login_timestamp': None, 'postal_address': u'487 Brown Greens Apt. 191\nSmithamton, AL 33044-3467', 'unverified_email': None, 'ssh_key': None, 'birthday': None, 'email_alias': True, 'ircnick': None, 'password': '$6$GA8meLk2obnJCHBz$KWqipYAXkxpCvJ0SEpZcp8pyCrJ1qjAhzMIqNtpnTALmXilKlaxuggi2NRpViHen0isvl0BN3cuqdkvQ5jwkO.', 'twitter_token': None, 'gpg_fingerprint': None, 'login_attempt': None, 'github_token': None, 'email_token': None, 'longitude': Decimal('74.295654'), 'blog_rss': None, 'security_answer': u'-', 'facsimile': None, 'avatar': None, 'fullname': u'mike', 'old_password': None})]
tk0miya commented 7 years ago

It seems your SQL has broken. I don't know that is releated with testing.postgresql or not. Could you check your program again?

skrzepto commented 7 years ago


The sql statement works fine in a regular postgres db and inserts the data. It seems that it crashes when I use this package. Let me try it on another machine.