tkahn / Smooth-Div-Scroll

A jQuery plugin for smooth scrolling. No longer maintained.
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touchScrolling over iframe videos #44

Open andrewminton opened 11 years ago

andrewminton commented 11 years ago

Probably not 100% Smooth Div Scroll related but I can't seem to be able to scroll over iframe content. Is there any method that could be adopted to disable default interaction with the swipe/kinetic function when swiping content on touch devices?

andrewminton commented 11 years ago

We've just added a transparent div over the top of our iframes and are detecting for touch/click to differ the response. So touch allows us to scroll/swipe over the iframes and click triggers the video playback. Seems to be an oversight on iframe based videos and touch devices me thinks.

tkahn commented 11 years ago

So is something that I should look at in the source code of Smooth Div Scroll or is it a special use case?

andrewminton commented 11 years ago

No sure really.. Touch devices in general fail miserably if you try to scroll over the top of an iframe embedded video webpages... we needed a sort of transparent container to act as the touch surface over the iframe and the js acted differently according to touch or drag action.

Every instance of iframe video will encounter this issue, so if there is anything Smooth Div Scroll can do to assist in this issue.. specifically the touch/click difference... maybe deny the interaction with the iframe if touch is triggered but allow action if click is triggered. ?