tkashkin / GameHub

All your games in one place
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Games Crash If they Are Installed On Another Partition #682

Open ShadowOfTheDark669 opened 6 months ago

ShadowOfTheDark669 commented 6 months ago


So I have an another partition which I use for my games and it is formatted as ext4 with read and write permissions for everyone. To cause less issues I even modified my fstab to mount the partition at a specific point which exists in my home directory. For reference , my fstab config is as follows:

UUID=1DF5-3485 /boot/efi vfat fmask=0137,dmask=0027 0 2 UUID=4370a74b-f791-4480-9d47-e45fa8873bb8 swap swap defaults 0 0 UUID=ab0b8ea4-6e87-4680-bd95-25c643f72e13 / btrfs subvol=/@,noatime,compress=zstd 0 0 UUID=ab0b8ea4-6e87-4680-bd95-25c643f72e13 /home btrfs subvol=/@home,noatime,compress=zstd 0 0 UUID=ab0b8ea4-6e87-4680-bd95-25c643f72e13 /var/cache btrfs subvol=/@cache,noatime,compress=zstd 0 0 UUID=ab0b8ea4-6e87-4680-bd95-25c643f72e13 /var/log btrfs subvol=/@log,noatime,compress=zstd 0 0 UUID=593f22bc-badc-45e6-97f7-772705eb5f77 /home/yeagerist/GamerX ext4 defaults 0 0


Steam and Proton have no issues with this config and work flawlessly , the issue in gamehub is that if the games are installed on a external partition other than the system partition , then what happens is that the prefix created by gamehub (default) like : (path to game)/_gamehub/compatdata/proton_custom , prefixes created like this (default) simply refuse to work , the game launches and crashes .

I have all the dependencies for wine and vulkan support . However , if the prefix is even changed to anything else , while the path still being on the external partition , the game works , for example: (path to game)/prefix or something. This also applies if the path is directed to the default .wine prefix . This also applies , if the game was installed onto the main drive/partition. In all these three scenarios , the game works without issues.

This issue might seem little but it really hinders the convinience , just a little. It definitely would be nice to have this "little convinience."

Expected Behaviour

Games Launch and Work As Intended.

Actual Behaviour

Games Crash And Don't Work.

Steps To Reproduce

Install the game on an external partition and try to run the game with default prefix config.

Version And Environment

- GameHub
    Version: 0.16.3-6d3d6dd-makepkg
    Branch:  makepkg
    Commit:  6d3d6dd760a78058e38e0e30c8323f267921a870
- Environment
    Distro:  EndeavourOS Linux
    DE:      KDE
    GTK:     3.24.39