tkellehe / Pipe

Pipe is a programming language that is somewhat tacit with a memory model.
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Noodel #42

Open tkellehe opened 7 years ago

tkellehe commented 7 years ago

Working on moving basic concepts into new language called Noodel designed for more ascii art challenges. Will have pipe memory model and eventually the array concept to better the process of frames for animation based. Also, every command will be processed 1ms after the previous had completed.

tkellehe commented 7 years ago
// space, tab, line feed
'~','\t','\n',' ','¡','¿','Æ','Ç','Ð','Ñ','×','Ø','Œ','Þ','ß','æ',

1st 97 are normal printable chars (ends at ~)

tkellehe commented 7 years ago

First program to prototype the design: ‘|/-\“Loading...¤⁺ḷ_çḍ247 This program is 25 bytes which can be used in the loading... forever code golf challenge and beat the current 31 bytes holder.

tkellehe commented 7 years ago

Maybe do not have pipe at all. And just have array concept of memory. Because the pipe can just be another array or something...

tkellehe commented 7 years ago

The other thing is need to find a good simple compression algorithm for strings. Have two... One the pushes the bits in? And the remaining 31 unused chars be dictionary words. The other should be some kind of encryption that with the key (start of the text) can decompress it. (Maybe do some kind of compression algorithm)

tkellehe commented 7 years ago

Looking at it again and the pipe logic works really well for making the golfing a lot easier.