Ḷ1 # Loops the following code once.
ḥ- # Grabs the literal string of the token preceding this token which produces the string "Ḷ" and pushes to the top of the stack.
Ð # Pushes the stack (which is an array) to the screen and since it is done by reference, as the stack changes so will what is printed.
1 # Pushes the literal string "1". This is done because "Ḷ" needs to be "Ḷ1". So, what is printed currently is "Ḷ1".
ḥ@ # Pushes the literal string "ḥ-Ð1ḥ@€" (essentially this command gets the string of the code based off of the containing scope it is in).
€ # Ends the loop. (currently the stack looks like [ "Ḷ", "1", "ḥ-Ð1ḥ@€"].
# Top of the stack gets popped off and placed to the screen (which removes it from the array because it is the stack)
9 bytes
My answer
Try it:)