tkellogg / fossil

A mastodon client optimized for reading, with an AI-enabled algorithm for displaying posts
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Config options #1

Closed antler5 closed 6 months ago

antler5 commented 6 months ago

Oh, sorry, you're splitting the .env file be hand; went right over my head! Here are those configuration option commits again, rebased into main, with one more to correct the README example of an .env file that would not have parsed. I moved the comments into a table, but of course you're free to do whatever you like, I just think it's important these get through in case anyone else wants to give it a go :p

tkellogg commented 6 months ago

I really like this change, but I wanted to rearrange how it's done, so I manually "cherry-picked" the contents into this commit:

Thanks for this. Even though I rewrote it, I think all your changes made it into this commit

antler5 commented 6 months ago

Almost! You just aren't passing OPENAI_API_BASE into the two OpenAI.client instances (should those be merged? idk, I benefit from having them separate, not worth atm)