tkellogg / fossil

A mastodon client optimized for reading, with an AI-enabled algorithm for displaying posts
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Create docker image #5

Open tkellogg opened 6 months ago

tkellogg commented 6 months ago

Create a docker image that runs via uvicorn on all host names, exposes the port, etc. I'll push the image to docker central.

aryannargotra commented 6 months ago

Can you assign this to me

tkellogg commented 6 months ago

By the way, last night I changed it to use models via llm. llm has a configuration file where it configures things like API keys and downloaded models. The directory that holds all that can be overridden via the LLM_USER_PATH environment variable (see here. I'm unsure how well this is documented, I just found that by looking in the code.

aryannargotra commented 6 months ago

Hi Tim, I read your blog about Mastodon, and it's been so long since I truly liked something and found it really meaningful. It's such a great experience, and I'll try to contribute to this cause and learn new things if I have the opportunity.

I've changed jobs three times in the past year because I wasn't finding anything interesting in my work, which led to a loss of interest in the tech field. However, your project has really got me excited.

aryannargotra commented 6 months ago

Screenshot 2024-01-05 163943

Having issue installing the 3.10 version in my container

tkellogg commented 6 months ago

i wish it was that easy to install a new version of python, but oh, no, it truly sucks. Here's a couple easier methods

Honestly, just change pyproject.toml to allow python >=3.9

or rather, since you're using docker anyway, use the python3.10 base image

tkellogg commented 6 months ago

Also, since you're in docker anyway, don't bother with the virtual environment. Docker provides all the isolation you need

aryannargotra commented 6 months ago

I am Using this DosckerFile but getting out of memory error while building it


tkellogg commented 6 months ago

Out of memory while building? 🤔 if you're out of docker cache space you can look into clearing it, that does happen a lot (although you seem to know what you're doing, so maybe you tried that already). If you're out of RAM, I'm not sure what to say, none of this is particularly big. I've used the python image before and it's quite small. llm does install a lot of packages, but I didn't think that really consumed much RAM, per se.

What stage does it die on?

aryannargotra commented 6 months ago

around here when it checks for vulnerabilities, it gets stuck. I changed the python version to 3.10.13 as it was in recommedations while scouting & now trying again lets see


tkellogg commented 6 months ago

Are you talking about the "There is not enough space on the disk" error? You might need to increase the space available to the Docker cache. Regardless, that's a giant image, are we really using all that?

aryannargotra commented 6 months ago

Do we also need to config the openAI key?, Its in the config file. I've only configured the access token yet

tkellogg commented 6 months ago

i don't think you want any secrets in the image itself. i imagine you'd pull them in via -e environment variables or import the user's config directory via a -v volume at runtime.

i mentioned this before, but llm stores all it's configuration in your home directory, but you can override where it's stored. if you didn't import a file location as a volume, then changes made at runtime would be ephemeral (and you couldn't distribute the image because there's secrets in there).

btw, you should probably revoke the access token you posted a couple screenshots ago, just to be safe.

tkellogg commented 6 months ago

Docker is for immutable infrastructure, but SQLite and config mutate it. You might want to look up how people package up databases, like postgres