I've created this feature for myself, and was wondering if you'd be interested in a pull request.
Example situation
A "get_items" function accepts a list of item ids as parameters, makes an HTTP request to an API and returns the results
The list of item ids changes every time, but one individual item id may be present in different calls to the function
I need to add some local cache, to avoid as much requests as possible
In this case, a regular cache wrapper (eg. @cached) doesn't work because using the item id list as a cache key means only calls with the exact same list of item ids would result in a cache hit.
Proposed solution
I created a wrapper that caches individual items, and executes the batch function with the list of item ids that were not found in cache:
from functools import wraps
from enum import Enum
# Inspired by functools's _make_key
kwd_mark = object()
def make_cache_key(*args, **kwargs):
return args + (kwd_mark,) + tuple(sorted(kwargs.items()))
class OutputMode(Enum):
LIST = 'list'
DICT = 'dict'
def batch_cache(cache, output_mode:OutputMode):
def batch_cache_outer(fn):
def batch_cache_inner(item_keys, **kwargs):
output_items = {}
item_keys_not_in_cache = []
for item_key in item_keys:
# Cache keys are not the same as item keys, because they include kwargs, so that an item
# with the same key but with different kwargs can give different results
cache_key = make_cache_key(item_key, **kwargs)
if cache_key in cache:
output_items[item_key] = cache[cache_key]
response = fn(item_keys_not_in_cache, **kwargs)
for item_idx, item_key in enumerate(item_keys_not_in_cache):
item = get_item_from_response(response, item_key, item_idx)
# add item to the current batch response
output_items[item_key] = item
# add item to the cache
cache_key = make_cache_key(item_key, **kwargs)
cache[cache_key] = item
if output_mode == OutputMode.DICT:
return output_items
if output_mode == OutputMode.LIST:
return [output_items[item_key] for item_key in item_keys]
raise Exception(f"Unexpected output mode: {output_mode}")
return batch_cache_inner
# Because we're dealing with batches, the cache wrapper needs to be aware of the cached function's
# output structure.
def get_item_from_response(response, key, idx):
if output_mode == OutputMode.DICT:
return response.get(key)
if output_mode == output_mode.LIST:
return response[idx]
raise Exception(f"Unexpected output mode: {output_mode}")
return batch_cache_outer
Example use
from cachetools import TTLCache
from datetime import timedelta
cache = TTLCache(maxsize=4, ttl=timedelta(hours=12).seconds)
@batch_cache(cache=cache, output_mode=OutputMode.LIST)
def get_stuff(item_ids:list[str], lang="en"):
if (len(item_ids)==0): return []
print(f"very long and difficult process on the following items: {item_ids} (in {lang})")
return [f"This is item {item_id} in {lang}" for item_id in item_ids]
print(get_stuff(["A", "B", "C"], lang="fr"))
print(get_stuff(["B", "C", "D"], lang="fr"))
print(get_stuff(["A", "C", "D"], lang="fr"))
print(get_stuff(["A", "C", "D"], lang="en"))
I think it would make sense to add this feature here, but I don't want to spend time adapting it to this repository if you don't think it's a good idea.
I've created this feature for myself, and was wondering if you'd be interested in a pull request.
Example situation
In this case, a regular cache wrapper (eg. @cached) doesn't work because using the item id list as a cache key means only calls with the exact same list of item ids would result in a cache hit.
Proposed solution
I created a wrapper that caches individual items, and executes the batch function with the list of item ids that were not found in cache:
Example use
I think it would make sense to add this feature here, but I don't want to spend time adapting it to this repository if you don't think it's a good idea.