tkfy920 / qstock

qstock由“Python金融量化”公众号开发,试图打造成个人量化投研分析包,目前包括数据获取(data)、可视化(plot)、选股(stock)和量化回测(策略backtest)模块。 qstock将为用户提供简洁的数据接口和规整化后的金融市场数据。可视化模块为用户提供基于web的交互图形的简单接口; 选股模块提供了同花顺的选股数据和自定义选股,包括RPS、MM趋势、财务指标、资金流模型等; 回测模块为大家提供向量化(基于pandas)和基于事件驱动的基本框架和模型。 关注“Python金融量化“微信公众号,获取更多应用信息。
MIT License
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import error #32

Open Xiaoxinbazinga opened 1 month ago

Xiaoxinbazinga commented 1 month ago

install most updated version, but error on the very first step of import. Does this code still work? Anyone can tell? Tks.

James-Au-Ka-Shing commented 4 days ago

install most updated version, but error on the very first step of import. Does this code still work? Anyone can tell? Tks.

It is still usable, but probably you need to install some other modules as the error suggests.