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Advanced DAQ Tools for the RedPitaya (STEMlab 125-14)
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Buffered acquisition of slow ADC #12

Open jonschumacher opened 6 years ago

jonschumacher commented 6 years ago

Until now, the synchronous acquisition of the slow ADC values is not possible since they are neither buffered nor timestamped. In order to use them properly, this is an important feature. This thread is for discussing possible solutions.

tknopp commented 6 years ago

yep this would be awesome if we could get this feature working on the FPGA. For me it would be important that the frequency is an exact multiple of 125MHz/decimation of the fast ADC.

Then one could upload a LUT and the values would be updated periodically.

jonschumacher commented 6 years ago

Where would you need a LUT with the ADC? Or do you mean a FIFO/ringbuffer?

tknopp commented 6 years ago

A ring buffer needs to be feed by values. We would need a thread on the CPU for that. Better is that you upload the pattern that should be cyclically applied.

tknopp commented 6 years ago

Look here:

This is the same concept. (just for the fast DAC)

jonschumacher commented 6 years ago

Well, this is true for the slow DAC but not for the slow ADC/XADC.

tknopp commented 6 years ago

Ahh, I see, sorry for confusing things. Proposal:

  1. Slow ADC: buffer that is periodically filled
  2. Slow DAC: arbitrary waveform buffer is periodically applied.

Does this sound good?

For both we would have to relate the sampling rate to the fast components.

jonschumacher commented 4 years ago

As far as I can see it this is now a thing, right?

mgraeser commented 4 years ago

Yes Slow DAC and FastDAC are now synchronous. SlowDac is buffered with a register

jonschumacher commented 4 years ago

Wait, I thought we are talking about the slow ADC here. But this seems to be not completely implemented yet, since here it is commented out.

mgraeser commented 4 years ago

Ah sorry. ADC I have not changed yet

tknopp commented 4 years ago

Yes, this issue is still open. In Principle we should be able to implement this but we really need to use something like the BRAM and buffer the values there. My feeling is that it should be possible to reach a sampling of about 25kHz with the slow ADCs. What would happen is the the control thread (previously named slow DAC thread) would then not only be responsible for feeding the slow DAC buffer but also the slow ADC buffer.

Implementation wise this all seems not to be so complicated. Just like our new PDM but reversed. Both the PDM and the XADC should either use the BRAM or direct memory. In this post: Anton talks about the BRAM and how to use that (presumedly he uses the code from Pavel) and in that post he also mentions If we need more measurement storage we can use Red Pitaya’s on-board 512 MB DDR memory. We will show how to do that in future projects. So that is something we need to ask him. Maybe we should directly skip the BRAM implementation.