tknopp / RedPitayaDAQServer

Advanced DAQ Tools for the RedPitaya (STEMlab 125-14)
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Chose a single Linux Image #15

Closed tknopp closed 4 years ago

tknopp commented 6 years ago

I currently still use the Debian image that cannot be downloaded anymore. We could switch to Alpine, although we have to clarify the bootup things there.

Another option would be the regular RP image. Last time I tried it, the system freezed. Regular RP image has the advantage that one may still use the web apps that can be handy from time to time.

@jbeuke: What is you opinion?

jonschumacher commented 6 years ago

While Alpine seems to be the perfect fit due its minimalistic approach, the standard image should be the way to go since the continuous support for it is more likely than that for Alpine. I never tried to run the server on the standard image, but if it works, I definitely prefer it this way. I guess for running the server it is necessary to kill at least the webserver and maybe other processes which draw network bandwidth and/or processor time.

tknopp commented 6 years ago

I tried it last week and had some issues. But I don't remember what :-)

So lets keep that as a TODO. Alpine works now, also with automatic startup.

(you don't need to kill processes on standard image. Just deselect the services)

jonschumacher commented 4 years ago

Looks like Alpine is the choice to go ;)

tknopp commented 4 years ago

yes, because I increased the free RAM for the RamWriter it is currently not safe to use any other Linux. One would need to incorporate that.