tknopp / RedPitayaDAQServer

Advanced DAQ Tools for the RedPitaya (STEMlab 125-14)
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Updating from new releases #37

Closed jonschumacher closed 2 years ago

jonschumacher commented 2 years ago

We need an update path for old, but set-up RPs. If the Linux is running fine, we just have to update our specific app folder. This could/should work with local and remote zip files of the image.

tknopp commented 2 years ago

yes, I experienced this issue as well. For me it is not even possible to update the git repository of the recent images because of issues with file permissions. Git claims that all files have a changed permission and accordingly does not let me pull the files.

jonschumacher commented 2 years ago

Good point. I actually meant a procedure for updating RPs via network without wiping the SD card, but I experienced this Git issue as well. Will try to figure it out. I would actually like to see this resolved prior to a new release.