tknopp / RedPitayaDAQServer

Advanced DAQ Tools for the RedPitaya (STEMlab 125-14)
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Installing julia on the red pitaya #38

Closed killan93 closed 2 years ago

killan93 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have an issue with the setup of the julia client library. I have downloaded the latest julia version from the website into the RedPitayaDAQServer directory, but when I try to untar the file I get the error "tar: can't create symlink 'julia-1.7.2/lib/julia/' to '': Operation not permitted". I've also tried to install julia via the package management, but it seems like there is no julia package available.

Any help on how to install julia is welcome.

jonschumacher commented 2 years ago

I am not exactly sure what you are trying to achieve. The Julia client is not meant to be run on the RP itself. You run it from your computer and access the functions of the DAQ server (written in C and running on the RP) via network. See for an overview of the architecture.

Please be aware that the current image is not the latest version. We plan to integrate some enhancements and want to release a new image when everything is completed. In the meantime I can only suggest to build your own image, go back in history to a commit from the time of the image upload or use the last release.

killan93 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the quick response. That was an error on my side. The installation works fine now.