tknopp / RedPitayaDAQServer

Advanced DAQ Tools for the RedPitaya (STEMlab 125-14)
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Connenction to Red Pitaya fails #39

Closed killan93 closed 2 years ago

killan93 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I can't establish a connection to the Red Pitaya using the examples. I've copied the Alpine Linux Image (red-pitaya-alpine-3.14-armv7-20220216) to an FAT32 sd card, installed julia1.7.2 on my PC and changed the IP address in config.jl. Then I started the script (v0.4.2) simple.jl and got "ERROR: LoadError: Could not connect to rp-f09e22.local on port 5025 since the operations was timed out after 5.0 seconds!" I have double checked the IP.

I also tried to run the python script. This one gets a connection to the Red Pitaya, but fails to acquire data and stops. I have printed the send and receive command. I suspect that the ACQUISITION mode wasn't set properly.

send command RP:MODe CONFIGURATION recieve 1 send command RP:ADC:DECimation 32 recieve 1 send command RP:TRIGger:MODe INTERNAL recieve 1 send command RP:DAC:CH0:COMP0:FREQ 10016.025641 recieve 1 send command RP:DAC:CH0:SIGnaltype SINE recieve 1 send command RP:DAC:CH0:COMP0:AMP 0.500000 recieve 1 send command RP:DAC:CH0:OFF 0.000000 recieve 1 send command RP:DAC:CH0:COMP0:PHA 0.000000 recieve 1 send command RP:MODe ACQUISITION recieve 0 send command RP:MODe? recieve CONFIGURATION send command RP:TRIGger ON recieve 0 send command RP:ADC:DATa:PIPELINED? 0,780,3120

nHackel commented 2 years ago

Hello, the release is a little bit disjointed. We are working on a new release, which should be available in the upcoming weeks (with neat new features). In the meanwhile I can try to help you get a running system. If you added the Julia package with "add", this actually pulls the latest Julia release and this can't connect to the server you currently have.

If you want to stick with Python you can try working with the Python script and the Julia client library as a reference. Then you need to checkout commit 2f2502ec68c7b7b979b5ff17abfff4355b4b5db4 on the RedPitaya and rebuild the server with "make server".

If you want to use Julia, you can "dev" the package and then manually checkout the same commit. See here for documentation on dev'ing.

The python script is actually for a newer state of the server, which was not in the RedPitaya Image and there the "ACQUISITION" mode was actually still called "MEASUREMENT", this is why you got a reply of 0 with the python script

killan93 commented 2 years ago

Hi, the python script would be my preferd choice. I did the checkout you suggested and tried to execute the script. Unfortunately the script gets stuck. I've added prints to the send and receive method. The send method seems to work fine, but the script doesn't execute "data = fileHandle.readline().strip()" in line 39. When I print out fileHandle I get "<_io.TextIOWrapper name=668 mode='r' encoding='cp1252'>"

nHackel commented 2 years ago

After which command does the receive message not work anymore?

killan93 commented 2 years ago

In, the command in line 10 is send to the red pitaya and then in RedPitayaDAQServer the script gets stuck in line 39.

nHackel commented 2 years ago

I am unfortunately not able to find the time to reproduce your setup at the moment. I will ping you again once we release a new version with updated examples and a new complete zip archive that should work out of the box.

This should happen in the next 2 weeks

killan93 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your reply. I totally understand that you want to focus on the new version. Looking forward to the release.

nHackel commented 2 years ago

Hello @killan93, we just released the new version of the project!