tknopp / RedPitayaDAQServer

Advanced DAQ Tools for the RedPitaya (STEMlab 125-14)
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Problem Continous Signal Acquisition Example #50

Closed skornhuber closed 1 year ago

skornhuber commented 1 year ago

We are starting working with RedPitayaDAQServer for integration in our measurement systems in our high voltage lab. The hardware and the functuality is exactly perfect for our usage. Everything of your docu went well. However I am facing some problems with Continous Signal Acquisition Example.

I start the script with the -t 3 option

(base) stefan@mbpstefan2 julia % /usr/local/bin/julia -t 3 producerConsumer.jl [ Info: Start Producer [ Info: Start Consumer (base) stefan@mbpstefan2 julia %

if I add a @info directly after Start Consumer the info is not showing up. It seems that the script is stopping immeadeatly.

Do you have any kind of idea how to get the script running?

Thanks a lot.


jonschumacher commented 1 year ago

Does simple.jl work for you? And I think the example purposely doesn’t block. Please try from the Julia REPL with include.

tknopp commented 1 year ago

That example code seems to be not finished. One requires some ˋwait(consumer)ˋ at the end and probably some plotting code.

jonschumacher commented 1 year ago

True, the plotting part is missing. When running in the REPL you just get a 4D matrix buffer which should contain your data.

tknopp commented 1 year ago
(base) stefan@mbpstefan2 julia % /usr/local/bin/julia -t 3 producerConsumer.jl
[ Info: Start Producer
[ Info: Start Consumer
(base) stefan@mbpstefan2 julia %

This script is actually not supposed to be run this way. One should open a REPL with julia -t 3 and then include(producerConsumer.jl). And then it also makes sense to not use wait(consumer) because one can interact with the thread in this way.

skornhuber commented 1 year ago

Does simple.jl work for you? And I think the example purposely doesn’t block. Please try from the Julia REPL with include.

yes the other samples are working

skornhuber commented 1 year ago
(base) stefan@mbpstefan2 julia % /usr/local/bin/julia -t 3 producerConsumer.jl
[ Info: Start Producer
[ Info: Start Consumer
(base) stefan@mbpstefan2 julia %

This script is actually not supposed to be run this way. One should open a REPL with julia -t 3 and then include(producerConsumer.jl). And then it also makes sense to not use wait(consumer) because one can interact with the thread in this way.

great exactly - I missed this instruction. Thanks a lot - now the script is working.

jonschumacher commented 1 year ago

Awesome! I added a discrimination between interactive and non-interactive mode for this example. If you have further questions, feel free to ask.