tknopp / RedPitayaDAQServer

Advanced DAQ Tools for the RedPitaya (STEMlab 125-14)
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Improve the build system #6

Closed jonschumacher closed 4 years ago

jonschumacher commented 6 years ago

The build system is currently split into several Makefiles which are invoked by a root folder Makefile and contains absolute paths to libraries. This should be centralized and be made more flexible. A bonus might be to provide different targets for building and installing the server application aswell as the FPGA image.

tknopp commented 6 years ago

yes, although this usually is the point where one should ask if make is really the right tool for the job. There are modern build systems that are much easier to use.

tknopp commented 6 years ago

cmake is ok. qmake was from perspective a little nicer. Nowadays Meson seems to get popular. The syntax looks pretty nice.

We just have to look if these are available in the repository of the debian that is installed on the RP.

jonschumacher commented 6 years ago

Not only the Debian but also the Alpine Linux which Pavel Demin is now using. But this is the case:

But using a different build tool sounds good. I don't really get a grasp on make. But thats's something we can do when the rest is working nicely.

jonschumacher commented 4 years ago

I have just set up a RP completely from scratch. make worked flawlessly and I think the FPGA build process now works as well. Can we close this?

tknopp commented 4 years ago

I think at this point I don't want so switch the build tools and am fine with the current situation. So yes this can be closed for now.