tkrajina / gpxpy

gpx-py is a python GPX parser. GPX (GPS eXchange Format) is an XML based file format for GPS tracks.
Apache License 2.0
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hash_object undefined #150

Closed wrohdewald closed 4 years ago

wrohdewald commented 5 years ago

current master

Trying to create a set of Location:

AttributeError: module 'gpxpy.utils' has no attribute 'hash_object'

hash_object is used in return mod_utils.hash_object(self, ('latitude', 'longitude', 'elevation'))

quick and dirty solution: add to

def hash_object(obj, attributes): """Create a hash for obj""" return sum(int(getattr(obj, x)) for x in attributes)

if hash_object is never used for anything other than Location, I would instead do: (untested) return int(self.latitude 1000) + int(self.longitude 1000) + int(self.elevation * 10)

tkrajina commented 4 years ago

hash_object is removed because with extensions it really makes no sense checking only object fields. And if we want it to me implemented properly -- it must also traverse all the extensions DOMs, and that's just too much trouble.

PS. I removed hash_object and all references in dev. So, at least the error should be gone when I merge it to master.