tkrajina / gpxpy

gpx-py is a python GPX parser. GPX (GPS eXchange Format) is an XML based file format for GPS tracks.
Apache License 2.0
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Replace Travis CI and Coveralls with GitHub Actions and CodeCov #243

Closed hugovk closed 1 year ago

hugovk commented 2 years ago

Travis CI have changed their pricing model making it harder to use with open source projects, and also builds stopped 9 months ago, and many projects have switched to GitHub Actions.

A big advantage of GHA is, in addition to Ubuntu, we can test on macOS and Windows. And instead of 5 parallel jobs, we get 20.

This does that, and also switches to CodeCov from Coveralls, as it's easier to integrate.

Sample build

hugovk commented 1 year ago

Updated to add support for Python 3.9-3.11.

Python 3.11 was released on 2022-10-24 🚀


Sample build

hugovk commented 1 year ago

Hi @tkrajina! I see Travis CI has stopped running on recent PRs, for example:

I recommend using a CI, to make sure contributed PRs pass all the tests, on all supported Python versions and operating systems, and to help avoid merging PRs that accidentally break things.

I'd be happy to explain what this does in more detail, if you'd like.

In any case, thank you for gpxpy!

hugovk commented 1 year ago

Closing this year-old PR, but more than happy to re-open if interested 👍