tkrajina / gpxpy

gpx-py is a python GPX parser. GPX (GPS eXchange Format) is an XML based file format for GPS tracks.
Apache License 2.0
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Force stdlib etree instead of lxml? #248

Open narfel opened 2 years ago

narfel commented 2 years ago

For my use case, when lxml is installed I get drastically less performance. In the it says "

parser may be 'lxml', 'minidom' or None (then it will be automatically detected, lxml if possible).

How do I tell gpxpy to use that? parse(xml_or_file: Union[AnyStr, IO[str]], version: Optional[str] = None) has no option for a parser, or am I missing something?

tkrajina commented 7 months ago

No, you're right. When I first implemented this lxml was faster, so I made to be default. But it absolutely makes sense to use the default parser by default. Maybe something like this:

That way, you gahe a global gpxpy.set_xml_etree() function where you can set lxml if you want.