tkrajina / gpxpy

gpx-py is a python GPX parser. GPX (GPS eXchange Format) is an XML based file format for GPS tracks.
Apache License 2.0
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Is Header malformed #275

Open kzkelley opened 6 months ago

kzkelley commented 6 months ago

I have noticed when using gpxpy to parse and re-write a gpx file that the new file has what appears to me to be a malformed header. The only reason I bring it up is because it thru an error when I tried to use the generated file in a different script. I received this error: utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xa0 in position 266117: invalid start byte When I edited the header by moving the version='1.1' and creator=" --" to the front of the xml tag like <gpx version='1.1' creator=" --" to the front of the xml The issue went away.

Header in the original file:

Header in the generated file: