After configuring the plugin, the SignalK server immediatly stops, and I need to log on to the machines and run “signalk-server.cmd” from the SignalK CLI to bring them back online. Signalk is then running, but still, if I try to restart from the web admin, they only stop, and I need to manually start from SignalK CLI.
Seemingly an issue as a result of the API token not having the necessary rights. Updated the token, and the plugin now works. Still, misconfiguration should not stop the server.
After configuring the plugin, the SignalK server immediatly stops, and I need to log on to the machines and run “signalk-server.cmd” from the SignalK CLI to bring them back online. Signalk is then running, but still, if I try to restart from the web admin, they only stop, and I need to manually start from SignalK CLI.