tkyaji / cordova-plugin-crypt-file

This plugin to encrypt the source files.
Apache License 2.0
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Live reload with Ionic #62

Open Maraket opened 6 years ago

Maraket commented 6 years ago

So I have been trying to run this plugin on some of my projects for work, this being heavily reliant on Ionic 2 and thereby typescript. Basically I am finding when testing an app, I am having the following issue when trying to do a live reload with the below command: ionic cordova run android --livereload Only to have the call failed with creating a call to file:///android_asset/www/+++/

The code isn't really important since this issue was experienced even with a new project doing the following:

grzegorzbernat commented 6 years ago

I also have this same problem. For now I have only workaround: remove plugin before ionic run, and add before normal build.

fdambrosio commented 6 years ago

i have the same problem

airstep commented 6 years ago


eomonteiro commented 6 years ago


jakodev commented 5 years ago

same here..

amirulasrof commented 5 years ago


bergergit commented 4 years ago

I've fixed this by adding the following code to line 2 of _plugins/cordova-plugin-cryptx-file/hooks/afterprepare.js

if (context.cmdLine.indexOf('cordova run') !== '-1') return;

Then just run your code with livereload:

ionic cordova run android -lc