tl-its-umich-edu / canvas-course-manager-next

Canvas Course Manager Next: A redesign of the existing CCM application. It extends Canvas features, makes cumbersome features easier to use, and adds new features.
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Do Frontend dependency update #395

Closed ssciolla closed 3 months ago

ssciolla commented 2 years ago

At some point, we'll want to tackle a couple major version upgrades or other library maintenance tasks, besides Material UI #220. They include:

This can be a parent or "epic" issue, but I'm going to create separate issues to address the backend, frontend, and eslint changes.

2024 Frontend Dep Upgrades

@pushyamig and @jaydonkrooss update: we created a separate branch to test concurrent dependency upgrades. Before testing and merging to main, here's the in-progress changes for FE side of things:

Nice to have / tasks for after production release

jaydonkrooss commented 3 months ago

Some frontend features worth observing to make sure that these upgrades are not breaking anything...

notistack v3 touches all UI snackbars (checking each one might be overkill but verify that both errors and confirmations are formatted and animated correctly):

React, ReactDOM, and Material UI v5 impact components and styling: Verify that app loads and components in all user flows are styled correctly

Papaparse touches csv processing. It's only a minor upgrade but make sure that CSV consumption and CSV creation (for Canvas gradebook module) is looking correct

React-Router-DOM v6 impacts routing, make sure redirecting behaves as expected:

Yup V1 touches validation. Probably don't need to do too much other than just verify a few validation errors behave as expected:

ktowneUM commented 1 month ago

Verified: "Changes were saved" confirmations (course name, create section) Other frontend errors ("only csv files accepted" on file upload) Verify that app loads and components in all user flows are styled correctly CSV consumption and CSV creation (for Canvas gradebook module) is looking correct Access Denied page (such as student loading CCM) Home page (and correct modules load for the different permission levels) email address (for search non-umich email, Adding non-umich user) canvas ID has just numbers (multiple section enrollment on CSV) max 255 characters (for course name, login id, firstname, lastname, etc)

Can't verify: API errors Launch Error page (local development testing only) Not found page (local development testing only)

pushyamig commented 1 month ago

Dev test plan was provided is for when reviewing PR and checking that. I think it is already taken care so I will move the issue to Done column