tl-its-umich-edu / my-learning-analytics

My Learning Analytics (MyLA)
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changes to issue #1558 regarding failed Jest test cases #1577

Open binkmywink opened 2 months ago

binkmywink commented 2 months ago

I was able to make all the tests work by rewriting the CSSTransform file and updating the Jest version in package.json (this can also be done by running npm update jest. I used babel npm install babel-jest --save-dev to reconfigure some files, as I believe that was causing some of the tests to fail. The main goal was to configure Jest for ECMAScript Modules, as the issue came from trying to import d3 using ECMAScript Module syntax (import * as d3 from 'd3') in the Histogram test. Using the minified version of d3 resolved this issue. In addition to updating snapshots before running backend tests, I was able to compile all the tests successfully.

pushyamig commented 2 months ago

Can you email me or share your Uniqname? we are keeping track of students from EECS course who are contributing to our repo