tl-its-umich-edu / spanish-placement-exam

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Support pulling of the score based of Canvas API #47

Open pushyamig opened 5 years ago

pushyamig commented 5 years ago

Currently, Spanish placement exams scores are available to the student after 2 days after the test. The idea is to use the Canvas API to reduce the delay and get the scores real time.

The API that seems to get this results for us is[]=all&assignment_ids[]=267254&submitted_since=2018-06-11T01%3A00%3A00Z&order=graded_at

This work involves using Canvas via ESB. The ESB-Utils might need additional updates to support the this.

pushyamig commented 5 years ago

As per testing grades from API vs UDW (11/27/18)

SELECT qs.finished_at,s.user_id,s.score,s.published_score,u.unique_name
 FROM submission_fact s,quiz_submission_dim qs, Pseudonym_Dim u,assignment_dim a
 ,(SELECT DISTINCT (user_id) FROM enrollment_fact WHERE course_id LIKE '%'|| '159923' ) e
  WHERE s.assignment_id =
   AND = s.quiz_submission_id AND   s.user_id = u.user_id
   AND   e.user_id = u.user_id AND   (UPPER(a.course_id) LIKE '%' || '159923' )
   AND   UPPER(a.title) = UPPER('Spanish Placement Exam')
   AND   timestamp_cmp(qs.finished_at, SYSDATE - interval '3 days') > 0
   order by finished_at DESC 

UDW hold data until 2018-11-25 18:38:43 but canvas API returns dated to 2018-11-26T21:37:10Z.

This confirms that API data is more current than UDW