tladesignz / IPtProxy

Obfs4proxy and Snowflake Pluggable Transports for iOS
MIT License
45 stars 11 forks source link

function for if snowflake proxy is running #22

Closed bitmold closed 2 years ago

bitmold commented 2 years ago

Could you please create a release 1.5.1 so I can use this within Orbot.

I remember in the past once wanting this, and then later on deeming it unnecessary (as implementing apps could just keep track of if the Snowflake Proxy is running or not), but today I found a use case for this:

If you have an Android app with an Activity for user interaction, and a background service that runs the snowflake proxy, it's actually really complicated for the implementor to keep the state consistent across the service and the activity. (The service would have to first track if the proxy is running, and then send messages between the service + activity). Since both activity and service ultimately access the same go struct snowflakeProxy having an is running function in IPtProxy removes this complexity and keeps things very simple for me.

tladesignz commented 2 years ago

Ok. Version 1.5.1 is released:

Sort of.

I start to really hate JitPack. It could be so cool, if it would just work.

Guess, I have to move to Maven with this, too. Next week. Sorry.

tladesignz commented 2 years ago

Oh, no, it started a second attempt and worked! Yeah! Have fun with it!