tladesignz / IPtProxy

Obfs4proxy and Snowflake Pluggable Transports for iOS
MIT License
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IPtProxy-0.5.2.jar file not find error? #52

Closed tongmunujf closed 10 months ago

tongmunujf commented 10 months ago
tladesignz commented 10 months ago


Please switch to the Maven Central source!

tongmunujf commented 10 months ago

My local code is as follows: dependencies { implementation(name:'IPtProxy', ext:'aar') implementation 'com.netzarchitekten:IPtProxy:3.1.0' //implementation 'com.github.tladesignz:IPtProxy:3.1.0' /相册 implementation 'com.github.LuckSiege.PictureSelector:picture_library:v2.2.3'/ implementation 'com.github.LuckSiege.PictureSelector:picture_library:v2.2.3' //implementation 'com.github.ZLYang110:FileSelector:2.1.6' implementation 'com.github.ZLYang110:FileSelector:1.0.2' implementation 'com.github.ZLYang110:UpperDialog:1.4.1' implementation 'com.github.imcloudfloating:ProgressBar:1.1' implementation 'com.github.chrisbanes:PhotoView:2.0.0' } repositories { google() jcenter() maven { url '' content { includeModule('com.github.tladesignz', 'IPtProxy') } } } IPtProxy.aar was downloaded from and imported into the libs directory of my project But there are the following issues with writing this way:

tladesignz commented 10 months ago

Don't mix downloaded AArs with a dependency of the same lib on Maven Central.

There's other error messages about libraries of yours.

Sorry, this is not a programming course.