Took a lot of research to figure out how to authenticate against keyvault locally as well as in prod.
You need to download a private key file from the key vault named FootyCertPK. Place this file somewhere for local development and just override key_file in KeyManager's constructor. Make sure you name it .pem. As the .gitignore will ignore this file. DO NOT COMMIT THE PRIVATE KEY TO THE REPO. It is a fair bit of work to rotate the cert.
Sorry for wrong branch name.
Took a lot of research to figure out how to authenticate against keyvault locally as well as in prod.
You need to download a private key file from the key vault named FootyCertPK. Place this file somewhere for local development and just override.pem. As the .gitignore will ignore this file. DO NOT COMMIT THE PRIVATE KEY TO THE REPO. It is a fair bit of work to rotate the cert.
in KeyManager's constructor. Make sure you name it