tlakhankar / CCNY-WRF-Research

CCNY Research on PR and Maine under the supervision of Dr. Tarendra Lakhankar.
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Reformatting External Hard Drive #10

Closed WK-Kz closed 5 years ago

WK-Kz commented 5 years ago

External hard drive needs to be reformatted as the file system type, msdos, prevents any type of linux configuration which includes executing chmod, etc.

Should be reformatted into ext3/ext4.

WK-Kz commented 5 years ago

One loop hole at the moment:

# First make a new directory in the /mnt/ directory
# Already made since I am working on it
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/path

sudo fdisk -l 
sudo umount /dev/sdx/ # Unmount drive
sudo mount -o rw,users,umask=000 /dev/sdx/ /mnt/path
sudo fdisk -l

Look for the external hard drive, usually /dev/sdx/, where x is the variable name and number

sudo umount /dev/sdx/

Unmount drive from the system

sudo mount -o rw,users,umask=000 /dev/sdx/ /mnt/path

Mounts drive onto the system and gives it the proper permissions.

It is noted that this results in the permissions being 777 or that everything is readable,writable,and executable by users, groups, and other. This is a security risk. Proceed with caution.

AIdrisy0139 commented 5 years ago

Currently Being Formatted to Ext4. Will take a long time (~36 Hours) so lets leave the Computer running over the weekend.

WK-Kz commented 5 years ago

External hard drive formatted to ext4.