tlakhankar / CCNY-WRF-Research

CCNY Research on PR and Maine under the supervision of Dr. Tarendra Lakhankar.
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Type of Data to Use #16

Closed WK-Kz closed 5 years ago

WK-Kz commented 5 years ago


The available types of forcing data that can be used is mentioned in the or on this google sheet here

~This will be a reference to any important information regarding HRRR.~

WK-Kz commented 5 years ago

The High-Resolution Rapid Refresh is a NOAA/NCEP operational weather prediction system comprised of a numerical forecast model and an analysis/assimilation system to initialize the model. It is run with a horizontal resolution of 3 km and has 50 vertical levels.

The HRRR was developed to serve users needing frequently updated high-resolution short- range weather forecasts, especially those in the US severe weather forecasting community. The model is run over the CONUS every hour of the day; it is integrated to 36 hours for the 00/06/12/18 UTC cycles and to 18 hours for every other cycle. The HRRR Alaska sector is run every third hour; it is integrated to 36 hours for the 00/06/12/18 UTC cycles and to 18 hours for the 03/09/15/21 UTC cycles. The HRRR performs a 1-hour spinup using a first guess from the RAP and then assimilates radar reflectivity data every 15 minutes during the spinup forecast. This is followed by a Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) analysis. The assimilation of radar data combined with the GSI assimilation of cloud and hydrometeor data provides significant skill in short-range cloud and precipitation forecasts. The forecast model is the ARW core of the WRF model, and output is generated every 15 minutes during the forecast for the first 18 hours. Hourly output is generated between forecast hours 18 and 36 for the extended cycles.

Full 3-dimensional upper level fields are not being provided for the HRRR, as there is little relevant synoptic-scale information gained from the resolution difference between the HRRR and its parent, the RAP. The HRRR should be primarily used to examine surface, near- surface, and column parameters. For those interested in upper-level analyses and short- range forecasts, we recommend using the RAP grids that are available on NOMADS.

WK-Kz commented 5 years ago

It is noted that the CONUS area will be used. CONUS refers to the Continental United States

WK-Kz commented 5 years ago

Download files from:

The regridding script uses wrfsfcf for the input data, which is 2D surface level data.

WK-Kz commented 5 years ago

Turns out since HRRR only covers CONUS, it does not include the PR domain that we need to work on. Instead, we will try to transition to RAP as it includes the PR domain. Based on this image

PR domain is included at Grid 200. It is also mentioned here:

The Rapid Refresh (RAP) is a NOAA/NCEP operational weather prediction system comprised primarily of a numerical forecast model and analysis/assimilation system to initialize that model. It is run with a horizontal resolution of 13 km and 50 vertical layers.

The RAP was developed to serve users needing frequently updated short-range weather forecasts, including those in the US aviation community and US severe weather forecasting community. The model is run for every hour of the day; it is integrated to 39 hours for the 03/09/15/21 UTC cycles and to 21 hours for every other cycle. The RAP uses the ARW core of the WRF model and the Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) analysis - the analysis is aided with the assimilation of cloud and hydrometeor data to provide more skill in short-range cloud and precipitation forecasts.

WK-Kz commented 5 years ago

Example on how to download

wget -r -l0 --no-parent -nc -nd -A "rap.t00z.awp200f*.grib2" -R "*.idx" -X /data/nccf/com/rap/prod/rap.20190725/*
WK-Kz commented 5 years ago

RAP has issues when regridding with anything else beside bgrb2