tlakhankar / CCNY-WRF-Research

CCNY Research on PR and Maine under the supervision of Dr. Tarendra Lakhankar.
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Setting up backup system #2

Closed WK-Kz closed 5 years ago

WK-Kz commented 5 years ago

Backup system must be maintained by users. Docker is used for this reason so users can rollback if system breaks.

Backup images are made automatically using specific commands in docker.

To make image from container.

sudo docker images !! See all current images
sudo docker ps -a  !! See all current containers (- a to see inactive ones)
docker commit hw_container hw_image !! Makes a current container into an image (takes a while)
NAMING CONVENTION  wrfMM_DD_YYYY (wrf06_19_2019)

To make backed up image into a container:

sudo docker container start [image name]
sudo docker container rename [original image name] [new image name]
sudo docker exec -it [image name] bash