Open WK-Kz opened 5 years ago
Once Hardrive is reformatted going to make a dir for GFS data. This will serve as a docker volume for the GFS data.
If using volumes-from RW setting can be reset for new container. The base images don't need to be the same either (i.e. a Ubuntu Image can import volumes from a BusyBox Image)
Mounting Volumes Can only be done when starting a docker container
Use the -v flag when doing docker run
-v HostFolder:ContainerVolumeName
For example if making a busybox that would mount the GFS data
sudo docker run -it --name voltester -v /media/engela/WRF_EXTERNAL/GFS/:/GFS busybox
This will make a directory at the home level called GFS which will have all the GFS data stored i nthe hard drive.
Mounting as read only Using the -v flag again, add :ro at the end of the destination(docker) directory Continuing the above example
sudo docker run -it --name rovoltest -v /media/engela/WRF_EXTERNAL/GFS/:/GFS:ro busybox
No longer needed due to changed workflow with server side execution of WRF Hydro
Some sort of Volume or Mount will be needed due to the limitations of the WRF Hydro Server. Current plan is to use "Bind Mounts" since the data storage will not be under the file system reserved for docker.
Look into and implement docker volume, it will allow the ability to mount a folder/drive onto the docker itself. This seems to be useful for when the external hard drive comes in.